CEO Welcome

As co-CEOs of Abbey Multi Academy Trust, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to you as you explore exciting career opportunities within our supportive, high performing Trust. We hope that the information within this site will give you a good understanding of our ethos and approach, the high aspirations we have to our staff and our students, and inspire you to apply to join our team.

Working in Partnership to Educate, Nurture and Empower

Our Trust vision is that each of our academies, supported by our central Trust teams, provide environments that stretch our young people academically, support them pastorally and encourage both their spiritual and social development.

At Abbey Multi Academy Trust, we are confident that genuine collaboration fundamentally drives the way in which we make a difference to the lives of all our learners. Through school to school collaboration we can live out our vision and ensure that our students live ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

We are committed to raising the skills base across our communities by ensuring a focus on quality, encouraging innovation and strengthening the ethos of our academies which will retain their own independent culture and ethos whilst operating within a strategic partnership.  

Whether you’re an experienced educator, a passionate administrator, or a visionary leader, we invite you to explore how you can make a meaningful impact within our Multi Academy Trust.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Helen Pratten
Co-CEO / Executive Principal (Primary)
Catherine Garrett
Co-CEO / Director of Education